martes, 17 de marzo de 2009

German kid killed 16 people
Who: Tim Kretschmer
When: 11/03/09
Where: Winnenden, Germany.
Why : He was a member of the shooting club, he also had a big fascination for guns and knew a lot about them.
What: A student from the school started shooting students and 3 policemen that tried to stop him he also shoot a person that was walking by.

Columbine High School massacre.
Who: Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold
When: 20/04/99
Where: Columbine high school
Why: They built up resentment against the people that lived next to them, then started to have special interest in how to use and make dangerous artefacts.
What: These 2 students killed 12 of their classmates, and injured 23 other people before committing suicide.

Korean senior kills
Who: Seung-Hui Cho
When: 16 /04/07
Where: Virginia
Why: He had anxiety disorders. Then he was declared a mentally ill person for stalking two girls.
What: He killed 32 people and injured many more. Then he committed suicide.

Girl Shoots
Who: Elizabeth Bush
When: 07/03/01
Where: Bishop Neumann, High School in Pennsylvania
Why: she was kind of jealous about her, because she was the head cheerleader, besides they were having a big discussion.
What: She shoot Kimberly Marchese the head cheerleader while they were discussing.

Shooting in “El Cajon”
Who: Jason Hoffman
When: 22/03/01
Where: Granite Hills High School, El Cajon, California
Why: Before this happened he was diagnosed as clinically depressed and that he needed treatment. He declared that he had opened fire in order for a police officer has a reason to kill him.
What: He injured 2 teachers: Priscilla Murphy & Fran Zumwalt, he also injured some classmates: Billy Ditzler, Toby Halstead, Shaunda Hughes, Carina Scribellito, Jennifer Strom, & Andy Yafuso .He suicided after that in 0ctober 29.

lunes, 2 de marzo de 2009


Based on the article below answer the following questions.
1. Who is Robert Mugabe? The president of Zimbabwe
· How long has he been in power? 28 years
· How popular is he? Very, actually his followers came to celebrate his birthday, and they have been collecting enough money to make a good celebration
2. Who is Morgan Tsvangirai? Prime Minister. And last rival of Robert
· which is/ has been his political role? Competing against Robert for Zimbabwe’s presidency, and now he is the prime minister of it.
3. What happened during last year's elections? He was reelected for president and won the elections
· Which was the outcome? He beated Morgan
4. Which is the economic situation in Zimbabwe? They are a country with a big economic crisis How do the people feel about this?
5. What do you think about the celebrations and the lavish party? That he should use all that money to help his country instead of using it for a big party.
Based only on the article below, define a conflict.
a) Give the conflict a name and explain why you think it is a conflict. Despotism
b) Who is involved and why? Robert Mugabe, because he is Zimbabwe’s president, he should do something to save it, from cholera and hunger.
c) Explain in detail why the conflict has happened. Because it´s actual president doesn´t care about the people
d) Give a timeline of events (at least 5) related to the conflict.
e) How do you think this conflict can be solved and why? Maybe but not totally, because it is increasing and at this point there’s not much left to do about it and it is a very difficult goal.